Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Squash Terminology: The Nick

"The Nick" is a term commonly used among squash players. Although not everyone completely understands what is meant by it.

"The Nick" is the intersection of the floor and any sidewall. If the ball hits this 'crack' it will immeadietely roll parallel to the floor and the rally will be over. This is the only kill shot in Squash that lets you finish a rally in one shot. It is the most difficult shot to hit with consistency. Understand that if you miss the nick, then the ball will bounce up right back towards you resulting in a stroke. So do not attempt the nick shot if you are close to the T. Best to try it if you are close to one of the sidewalls and then you can aim for the opposite corner nick.
To practice this shot, extend the line where the floor and sidewall intersect to behind the front wall. Aim for that line and as low to the tin as possible. If the ball is sitting up higher than your waist level with a lot of air around it, then you can attempt this shot. The closer you are to front wall the better.

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